
Slots Myths and Superstitions

Debunking Five Popular Slots Myths There’s something reliable about good ol’ slot machines. Think about it. They’re sturdy, cough up big bickies, and all those bells and whistles make playing for your money’s worth all the more interesting. If anything, they’ve become even more entertaining in video form – still enigmatic, but now playable on […]

The Five Most Luxurious Casinos

Casinos are one of the most popular entertainment venues worldwide, and with the big money comes bigger, better and more elaborate casinos every time a new one is built. No strangers to ostentatious designs, grandiose architecture and being absolutely over-the-top in everything that they do, it’s no surprise that there are some insane casinos around […]

Bitcoin Update

As I have explained before in previous blogs, Bitcoin is an online digital currency that is gaining exponentially in popularity every day. In addition to how many people are using Bitcoin now, at the time of writing this, the value of each coin (please remember that it is not, and never will be actual, physical coins) […]

Bitcoin – Frequently Asked Questions

Every time there’s a big evolutionary step, it takes us humans a while to figure out if we like it, if we trust it, if it’s a good idea, or even if we understand it. Bitcoin is one of those advancements that have an equal amount of people screaming from the rooftops about how amazing […]

The Blackjack Bible: Learn How to Play

Blackjack is the classic fine wine of the casino world, nothing beats Blackjack and it will never goes out of style. It’s easy to see why people love it, the rules are simple to follow and it offers some of the best odds. If you’re fascinated by what happens on the felt, check out my […]

Blackjack Beginner Strategy: Betting Progression

Learn the Fine Art of Blackjack Betting Progression Blackjack still remains to be a crowd favourite amongst seasoned players and newbies to the casino scene alike. There are many approaches that players make to the classic game of 21, for instance there are some players who bet based on inspiration, and others that apply techniques […]

Blackjack: A short history of this popular table game

The history of Blackjack is one filled with speculation and assumptions, and continues to be debated by gambling fanatics and historians worldwide to this day. Whilst there are no certainties regarding the background of Blackjack, most experts agree that it most likely originated in French casinos in approximately 1700. The early days During these early stages, […]